From April to August 2018, a novel web-based decision support tool called MyPath was developed and given to veteran women at two women’s health primary care clinics at the VA Puget Sound to integrate reproductive goals as part of primary care.
Organization Name
VA Puget Sound Health Care System
Organization Type
- Veteran's Affairs
Tech Involved
- Desktop computer
- Digital health platform
- Patient Portal
- Web-Based Portal
Team Members Involved
- Clinical Informatics Specialist
- Primary Care Physicians
- RNs
Workflow Steps
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Callegari, L.S., Nelson, K.M., Arterburn, D.E., Dehlendorf, C., Magnusson, S.L., Benson, S.K., Schwarz, E.B., Borrero, S. Development and Pilot Testing of a Patient-Centered Web-Based Reproductive Decision Support Tool for Primary Care. J of Gen Int Med. 2021.
- Lisa S. Callegari MD, MPH
- Rebecca Tsai, BA
Seattle, WA
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